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Welcome to the Olle Persson Blog

We will endeavor to provide you an exiting article here a couple of times per week.

All about your Life and Business Success, balancing the FOUR PILLARS of wealth.

The topics will be focused on Wealth and Financial Success, but quite regularly we slip over to health as well. Our motto is “Healthy Wealthy and Wise”, and all the Wealth in the world is worth little if you don’t have the Health to Play the game.

Therefore, maybe you want to visit our sister site; www.conniehansen.com – It’s all about Health.

Please, while you’re here, if you haven't done so already, scroll down below the Blog and Sign up for our newsletter and get the articles directly in your own mail box.

Common Sense Blog

Book Launch; “Trading Auction Cars at huge profit”.

Check it HERE for full details - and get YOUR copy.

Hi Guys

Thanks for joining us here at the “Buy Your Car” Club.

Please accept my apologies for a slower than expected progress here, but it is a “Work in Progress” and will probably not be “fully Completed” as long as we are alive and learning.

Also thank you for your feedback and support, in the coming week we should have the Forum fully functional and be able to run a public discussion rather than Email. Both the site and the book will be continuously edited, there are quite a bit of typos in the book – but the info is there, it is correct, and it is applicable to your Auction Car Trading today.

As a time perspective; We expect to have a completed and edited book, ready for hard-copy printing in early 2012. Up until then you will be able to follow, and contributing, to the evolution of; “Trading Auction Cars at Huge Profits”.

So; What is “Buy Your Car” – Club?

Firstly we are part of a “Wealth Creation Group” helping people to build solid wealth in all areas of life. On the financial side we are talking about the necessity of multiple streams of income, commonly Real Estate, Financial Markets, Business and Various “Trading”.

Definition of “WEALTH”; “Your wealth is what you have left when all money is gone.”

(Consequently a part of it is to have the ability to generate “cashflow”, but I elaborate further on that in a later mail.)

Trading Auction cars is just one such stream of income for you.

Specifically for “Buy Your Car” we are a group of likeminded people, some of us mechanically minded and some totally novice, but with some interest in cars and saving / making money. Some of us had previous experience from Auction Trading prior to starting “Buy Your Car” in the mid 1990’s, (We didn’t know it was a “club” and certainly didn’t have a name on it until many years later.) and many of the strategies for auction bidding / “BARGAINS” are the same regardless of what product you’re buying.

We have seen over the years what amazing bargains are available, and what ridiculous profits small car-dealers are doing on these cars, and WE ALL HAVE A POSITIVE CASHFLOW of our personal and family motoring.

So why not share this with the general public? Why not let anyone and everyone know that your families motoring and car ownership doesn’t have to be a financial burden. – ON THE CONTRARY MY FRIEND.

So much negative out there!!!

Have you noticed that we live in a society design to keep us poor? (A bit sick, a bit scared and a bit poor actually.) When you present an idea about making money, you immediately have both society at large and your “Family and Friends Mafia” telling you that you can’t do it. But worse still is the ‘frightening tactics’ used, all people that lost money, gone broke – and got in to all kinds of troubles doing exactly what you are planning.

Auction trading is no difference, go and tell your brother-in-law or other negative friends and you’ll hear it all.


There is no dangerous activities out there, there is no dangerous cars on the roads, and there is no dangerous weapons. (There is a lot of ignorant, careless and dangerous people though.)

If one person can make money out of Real Estate, Share Market or Car trading – than it is a profitable business and anyone can do it.

Having said that – everything mentioned, and any activities you undertake are dangerous for ignorant people. Educated people, making carefully analysed and educated decisions doesn’t get into trouble, they are taking calculated risks, know exactly what the risk are, and exactly what the profit margins are.

Here at “Buy Your Car” club and “Aadvanced Financial Freedom” we provide education, we don’t sell you an old car, a house or a particular stock at the markets – we educate. We help you make wise, calculated and intelligent investment decisions that suits YOU.

Again – sincerely – very welcome to “Buy Your Car” and “Aadvanced Financial Freedom”.

“I wish above all things that you may prosper and be in health”


To your CashFlow and Wealth….



Olle Persson
The Aadvanced Group Pty Ltd
Phone: +61 7 5530 4579
Fax: +61 7 5530 6735

Check it HERE for full details - and get YOUR copy.

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This page is Created and Serviced by Olle Persson; - www.ollepersson.com - to assist people with desire to achieve more both on line and in life in general. We are a group of “Business Coaches” with extended experience in marketing, web development and effective web presence.

Success in life is a matter of BALANCE, Your Health and Energy, Your Family Life and Relationships, Your Career and Finance as well as your Spirituality, Peace and Harmony. With the 4 in place, you have TRUE WEALTH – with one missing we won’t call it “wealth”

Check out the following links to our partners sister companies, and contact us using the below details.

Connie Hansen Health.
Mepstar Wealth and Development.
Your “Profile” and Your “Flow”.

Gold Coast WebWiz, Web Site Development.

Olle Persson and the Persson Hansen Family
Gold Coast Australia – Abundant Wealth - Four Pillar Balance
Snail Mail: P.O.Box 88 Mudgeeraba QLD 4213 Australia.
Phone: +617 5630 1276 Fax: +6175530 4579
Mobile; 0402 099 248 | Skype; PerssonO | Facebook; PerssonO
E-mail: olle(a)ollepersson.com  | admin(a)goldcoastwebwiz.com.com 


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