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Common Sense Blog


Being In Heaven Film

Part 1 of the 11 Steps of Personal Growth 

Michael Domeyko Rowland

Writer, Director and star of 'Being In Heaven'

Email us:  beinginheaven@hotmail.com

Web Site:  www.beinginheaven.com


How Your Mind Works

Let us look at the way your mind is structured. If you observe yourself, when you are thinking and considering things, you find that your awareness is paying attention to a series of thought streams and image streams. You watch one stream of thoughts, and then another, and then another. And then perhaps back to the first one again, and so on. Or perhaps your awareness is observing a stream of images instead, or flicking between images and thoughts. These two are called the ‘mind streams'.


How Your Life Experiences Are Created

Sometimes you are directing these thought and image streams deliberately. This is what we call conscious thinking. Or perhaps they are just random. This can be called day dreaming, or fantasising. These natural functions are crucial to what happens to you. Why?


Because your life experiences are made up of the conclusions of these ‘mind streams'. It is these that create the choices in your consciousness. And these choices – the things you say yes or no to – make up the people, events and circumstances of your life. You create your life by the choices you make. All those things you have said ‘yes' to in the past, have become the experiences you have lived so far. And your experiences of the future will also be a result of the things you say yes to each and every day of your life.


So, which thought and image streams you follow is very important indeed. Learning to direct them consciously is the basic key to creating your life anew. Many people think that they do direct them, but are actually only following the mind streams they were encouraged or conditioned to follow, during their upbringing. They believe they have free will, but in fact have very little. Free will is a result of becoming aware of which mind streams you are paying attention to, and deliberately changing them, to ensure they deliver the results you want.


What is also forgotten, is that your feelings are also directed by the mind streams you are paying attention to. Feelings are flows of energy associated with particular thoughts and images, usually from your subconscious. The more conscious you become, the more you will be able to direct your feelings.


Your mind is an amazing instrument and is happy to be directed by you. It will surprise you with its powers when you start to become the director.


Let's look now at the primary step, which is always advised for anyone who wants to improve any part of their life.


The Way To Direct Your Thought Streams

It is well known that in order to direct your mind streams in any way, you need to put the thought streams out of your head by writing them down on paper. This extroversion of thoughts, that is the taking them out of the head, is the first secret of change. You do this most easily by writing down the experiences you wish to have. Just by writing things down, you begin a process of change.


This can be either as a list, a paragraph or two, describing in careful terms what you desire, or a few pages giving an overall view of things you want to enjoy over a longer period of time. In the film 'Being in Heaven', I explain this process, which can be about any part of your life: relationships, career, finances, sport, health, creativity, self esteem and so on. Write down a clear definition of particular experiences you want in any of the areas you like.


Without doing this you risk going round and round in circles in your mind, and never making any real progress. Many people find rapid change comes just by doing this. Why? Because you are driving your attention to new mind streams.


Once you have written down these experiences you want to have, and you have polished it a few times, and are happy with what you are describing, you read them several times a week. This begins a new habit of paying attention to the thoughts and images you now want to live out. This not only causes you to behave and act in ways which will bring you the results you want, but it also, in seemingly magical ways, causes all sorts of opportunities to be presented to you, which can help you on your way.


Now let's look at the next step which is often forgotten.


Your Fundamental Next Step

To help this whole process of changing your own actions, behaviours and life's opportunities, there is one unavoidable action you need to take, after you have begun reading your written desires. It is to make a detailed step-by-step plan. If you do not give your mind streams specific step-by-step directions to turn your life around, you will not be able to do it. Because you will just fall into the old habits, and therefore the old experiences, again. Why? Because you have dug deep grooves in your mind already, by making choices, taking actions, and performing behaviours, based the old mind streams you have been paying attention to all your life. As the saying goes: ‘If you keep doing what you've always done, you'll keep getting what you've always got'.


Regardless of whether your goal is to lose weigh, build muscle, make more money, improve your relationships, become more confident, create a work of art, become better at your sport, enjoy family life more, or feel better, whatever it is, it needs a plan.


So a plan, you design and follow, breaks all your old patterns. You research the steps carefully and write them down. You make it logical and achievable. You read it each day and follow it precisely, only changing it, in writing, when necessary. You slowly but surely change all the factors WITHIN YOURSELF, which are holding you back, and then you watch as the magic happens. It is not magic at all of course. It is just how life works.


Next Issue

Start with these ideas first and then in the next article we will show you how to intensify this process and really speed up the results coming to you.



Visit the Being In Heaven Site | Own the DVD






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