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All about your Life and Business Success, balancing the FOUR PILLARS of wealth.

The topics will be focused on Wealth and Financial Success, but quite regularly we slip over to health as well. Our motto is “Healthy Wealthy and Wise”, and all the Wealth in the world is worth little if you don’t have the Health to Play the game.

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Common Sense Blog


Being In Heaven Film

Part 2 of the 11 Steps of Personal Growth 

Michael Domeyko Rowland

Writer, Director and star of 'Being In Heaven'

Email us:  beinginheaven@hotmail.com

Web Site:  www.beinginheaven.com


The Second Step to Real Change
Our primary goal with these steps is to first of all ground you in the basics. Then we will go onto the deeper and more profound methods. You must have this basic foundation in place and not dismiss any of it. If you do, it will be like building a skyscraper on sand. You may have some success, but it could all come tumbling down.

You learnt in Step 1, that your mind works in thought and image streams – called mind streams - and the best way to start the process of life improvement is by writing down what you want. This is the fundamental step and vital for real change.

Adding Instructions to your 'Mind Streams'
Next, once you have decided what you want, you need to add new instructions to your mind streams. This is the basis of all self-development paths of the West for the last one hundred years, and of the East for the last several thousand. Again, it is deceptively simple. It the silent repetition of statements (in the West), or mantras (in the East). The goal of statement repetition is to implant securely a new thought stream, which eventually becomes second nature. It slips into the subconscious and plays there. It will influence many parts of your being to respond in new ways.

Sometimes these repetitions are called affirmations, but they are more than that. Just try them for a week and you will be surprised at how strongly these thought forces will affect your life. The most well known one is ‘Every day in every way I (or my life, or my health, etc.) get better and better'. It is so simple, but I still use it when I am starting out on a new venture or facing any difficulties or obstructions to my plans. I find it wonderfully effective.

The Key to Your Affirmations
The key is to really focus on it and watch what the other parts of your mind come up with in opposition to, and support of it. You also need to do it constantly throughout the day and night, as soon as you become aware that your mind has slipped into old patterns. Your mind will quickly respond to the new instructions, if you focus on it, and perform it constantly. It will very quickly change your attitudes, remove negativity, and grant you optimism. It also has this seemingly magical effect of bringing opportunities and the right people into your life. It is not really magic – we will deal with how it all works in a later issue. Always remember, it is your mind which gives you your experiences. Change your mind and you will change your experiences. Repetition is the primary step of gaining control of your mind.

How to apply them to your life
So pick a subject, then create an appropriate positive, powerful statement. Then practice it, and add the appropriate actions and behaviours in your life towards that desire.

For instance:
- my relationship is becoming more loving, or,
- money comes to me easily in perfect ways, or,
- I am now in a really fulfilling job, or,
- I find it easy and enjoyable to express myself, or,
- I am lean, fit and healthy, and so on.

It must be in your own voice, not taped, and you repeat it silently, mentally. It is the intention which is crucial and the relaxed determination which you put into it that brings results.

Next Issue
We are putting the basic building blocks in place before we move on to the more advanced issues in later articles. It is really important to grasp these thoroughly and put them into practice.



Visit the Being In Heaven Site | Own the DVD






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This page is Created and Serviced by Olle Persson; - www.ollepersson.com - to assist people with desire to achieve more both on line and in life in general. We are a group of “Business Coaches” with extended experience in marketing, web development and effective web presence.

Success in life is a matter of BALANCE, Your Health and Energy, Your Family Life and Relationships, Your Career and Finance as well as your Spirituality, Peace and Harmony. With the 4 in place, you have TRUE WEALTH – with one missing we won’t call it “wealth”

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