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Common Sense Blog

Michael Rowland, Olle Persson; Being in Heaven

Being In Heaven Film

Part 3 of the 11 Steps of Personal Growth 

Michael Domeyko Rowland

Writer, Director and star of 'Being In Heaven'

Web Site:  www.beinginheaven.com


How Thought Streams Create Your Life Experience

You learnt, in Part 2, about the silent repetition of statements. The goal of statement repetition is to securely implant, in your mind, a new thought stream, which eventually becomes second nature. Why this works is because: 

•  All your relationships, and so most of your life, are created by the behaviours you express. This is because other people can only respond to your behaviours, not what you may be thinking or feeling. In fact, you are actually calling for a specific response whenever you express any behaviour. The truth of this is contained in the word ‘behave'. Split the word in half and you have to ‘be'+ to ‘have'. Which means you are ‘being' in a certain way to ‘have' or call forth a particular response, from those you are expressing yourself to. 

•  Sometimes you receive the responses you want and sometimes you don't. Eventually you tend to spend your time with people who respond in the way that you want, and you avoid the people who respond differently. But, sometimes, you find you are continually being forced to be in situations where you always get the 'wrong' or unwanted responses from other people. This can also happen with regard to money and material well being, relationships, career path or any other aspect of your life. You want a particular response, but you get something different or even the opposite. This is because of patterns in your subconscious mind, which are calling for experiences which match its own particular agendas. 

•  So, if you have a subconscious pattern which holds thoughts that, say, all relationships are filled with arguments, or that money is difficult to make or keep (as Jason experiences in the film 'Being in Heaven' ), you will be drawn to creating these kinds of experiences. And you will do this in spite of the fact that consciously you want to experience the opposite of these hidden patterns. This is because the subconscious will often over ride the conscious mind. We'll see why in later issues.

•  To dissolve these unwanted patterns, you need to bring them to consciousness, to become aware of them. You do this by deliberately contradicting these old patterns with a new thought stream. You become aware of them as they try to cause you to behave in ways that will attract the ‘wrong' response from other people. You literally hear, within your mind, the old stream coming up for a run and trying to grab your awareness. You need to keep repeating the new thought stream and allow your awareness to follow its directives. After a few days of doing this you will find changes in your feelings, behaviours and actions taking place.

So, by creating a new thought stream, you have deliberately created the opportunity to use the new thoughts as the source of your actions and behaviours, and therefore your life's experiences.


The Influence of Image Streams

The next powerful influence on your choices, actions and behaviours are the image streams. These are also incredibly powerful and perhaps even more powerful than thoughts. In fact, an image is a thought in pictures, and you can say that thinking and imaging are two aspects of the same faculty. The point of both is to direct you to behave in new ways and take different actions. It is marvellous how well this works.


First you decide a desire you want fulfilled. Always choose something that is a definite possibility, that is not too extreme. You can do the larger desires once you have mastered the technique and made it work for you. Your desire could be a material object like a new car or dishwasher, a house, a watch, a computer, or a holiday overseas, or a bank account with a particular amount in it, in other words anything you would like to have.


Next you create a clear image of you (you always see your body in the image) with that particular goal fulfilled. You can perform this impressioning on your mind either internally or externally. If you are doing it externally, you can draw it onto a page, or you can make up a collage, on a piece of A4 card. Use pictures from magazines and add photos of yourself. The image should contain the complete summation of the desire you want fulfilled. 

Let's look at some different ideas:

Say the desire is you taking a holiday in Tahiti. You take a picture of the beach or resort you want to go to, from a brochure or magazine, and paste a picture of yourself (and your family if appropriate) onto it. Or, you want to have your own business, you make up a picture of the business premises, with your business name in it and you performing the normal tasks associated with that business. Or you may want a boat, so you obtain a picture of the boat, with the name of the boat you have decided upon placed on its bows, and a photo of you sitting in it driving it through the water. And so on. If you are doing this internally, then you merely create the image in your mind's eye.

Once you have this image clearly on the page, or in your mind, you focus on it every morning and evening for a few minutes. And you keep going with this every day until you have the desire you want or you have lost interest in it.

Naturally you act and behave in accordance with the desires you are going for. You can use a single image, on its own, or a moving image. 

Image repetitions are very powerful to cause you to behave and take appropriate actions. They are also very useful ways of keeping you on a direct path to having the experiences you want to enjoy. The constant reminders of the experiences you want to have keeps you on track. Just try it and see what happens.


Next Issue

Next issue we will continue with this series and discuss ways of raising your consciousness.



Visit the Being In Heaven Site | Own the DVD





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abercrombie deutschland
Sunday, September 9, 2012 5:00 AM
Um nicht in das mehr als oft nicht zu verstehen sein, bin ich geneigt, wie Beiträge zu diesem Thema schrittweise zusätzliche betrachten, Sie schreiben es in der Mode weiterhin Ihre persönlichen Mittel, wir müssen wirklich dont sagen ist wirklich ein schönes veröffentlichen jener zu erinnern.

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