host posted on June 08, 2010 02:03

Buying Auction Cars at huge profit.
Good Morning
We are progressing – slowly – here at buy your cars.
The book is uploaded as a complete version now, although it needs a lot of editing still. We have also a re-make of the site planned, including the activation of the Blog and Forum, and it should all happen in the next couple of month.
Your membership including the unlimited access for the book is for one year. However, as we have bee “a bit slower than expected” ( J L ½) we have decided not to “count your year” until we are happy with the book and website. Consequently, your lazy $39.95 at the moment bought you an unlimited access to the site information and book!!! – Congratulations.
We are also getting queries about the procedures on the site, so let’s clarify;
Refreshing the Deal;
You registered on the site; ( Thank YOU.
This give you access to a few more pages, including the “Contact Us” page and the “Subscription Module”.

Here you subscribe to the book, and subsequent releases throughout your membership year. (Unlimited time until we are completed with book and website.) You also get access to Blogs, Forums, E-mail and Phone support – all for a mere $39.95.
Simply Click on the “Subscribe” link under payment processes and follow the prompts.
We have currently a 58% Subscription versus Registration rate, a number we believe is low considering an easy $1,000.00 or $5,000 saving on your first deal. Maybe depending on poor procedure instruction – please let me know.
So now it’s clarified – and I will post this on the site as well.
Simply go back to and login, click on “Contact Us” and scroll down a bit and “subscribe”.
As we are all here to make money, or save, or invest, and as BuyYourCar is part of the Aadvanced “Healthy Wealthy and Wise” group, I will announce a couple of “Excellent”, “Bloody Brilliant” “Outstanding” seminars coming up!!! (No I’m not exaggerating, it’s an understatement! J )
Firstly, if you haven’t heard Topher Morrison present – then you really missed something, secondly he teaches “Wealth Dynamic Profiles” an amasing science about “following your personal FLOW” towards your successes in life. If you don’t know your own “Wealth Profile” then you better catch up with Topher during his June Australia Tour. Check the details HERE;
Secondly, We have “The Journey” seminars coming back!!! Brandon Bays and the team!!! Brandon has developed “The Journey Process” to help us uncover and remove “blockage” from old memories that hinder our success. (Have you caught your self doing something ‘habitually’ that you really don’t like or feel unnecessary?) That is your old “programming” that controls you – holds you imprisoned, and hinders your success and happiness.
The Journey process has proven thousands of cases to be very effective towards health issues as well.
Brandon Bays, Kevin Billett and Katrina McGilchrist have 4 seminars announced so far for the spring and summer.
Journey Woman | Journey Man | Journey Intensive | Advanced Skills
Check it all at Connie’s Health site;

Olle Persson
The Aadvanced Group Pty Ltd
Phone: +61 7 5530 4579
Fax: +61 7 5530 6735
Attend a f.r.e.e OneLife Seminar; “Creating Financial Success”, check for an event near you HERE; www mepstar com - Next Presentation.
Wealth Dynamics is the only personality test that tells you exactly what strategy you should follow to build wealth. Of all the vastly different ideas, strategies, businesses and investments that you could pursue, Wealth Dynamics narrows it down for you ... precisely.
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You will receive;
A profile test token to take the test.
26 page report with your results and winning strategy outlined
A 27 page Wealth Dynamics Eguide
Your profile read in audio by Paul Dunn
Audio; Roger Hamilton live in London.
Visit Connie Hansen's complete health information site.
Self education, Self help and Self Healing.