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Welcome to the Olle Persson Blog

We will endeavor to provide you an exiting article here a couple of times per week.

All about your Life and Business Success, balancing the FOUR PILLARS of wealth.

The topics will be focused on Wealth and Financial Success, but quite regularly we slip over to health as well. Our motto is “Healthy Wealthy and Wise”, and all the Wealth in the world is worth little if you don’t have the Health to Play the game.

Therefore, maybe you want to visit our sister site; www.conniehansen.com – It’s all about Health.

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Common Sense Blog

Wealth Dynamics in a nutshell

Take your own Wealth Dynamic Profiling Test HERE today!

Many people think that there are hundreds of routes to wealth. With Wealth Dynamics, you'll see that there are actually only eight paths to wealth and that one of those paths is the correct one for you.

These paths are highlighted by the successful people who have achieved wealth through following their natural path. This is to say, they found the wealth dynamic match that suited their talents.

Could you imagine Richard Branson as a footballer, or Bill Gates as a fish monger?

No, they discovered the talents they were born with and capitalized on them. They followed a path that they loved, their path of least resistance and they excelled at it. Wouldn't you like to find your path, benefit from your natural strengths and excel?

Let's take a brief look at each of these eight wealth profiles...

The Creator

The Creators can't help creating! They are good at creating profitable ideas and businesses, but not so good with the day to day running of a business. Successful creators will delegate everything, except the creative process. Example: Walt Disney

The Mechanic

Mechanics are perfectionists who like to finish things, rather than create them. They want to make everything better - fine tune them. Example: Henry Ford.

The Star

It is easy to spot a star. Obviously, you have film, music and sports stars, but high profile CEOs can also be thought of stars. They rely on the strength of their personality and are aware of the pressure of always having to deliver. Example: Oprah Winfrey

The Supporter

Supporters are great networkers with loads of energy and enthusiasm. Their greatest wealth can be achieved when they join forces with a Star, Creator, Deal Maker, or Mechanic. Example: Steve Ballmer

The Deal Maker

A deal maker relies on relationships, connections and being able to react intuitively when the best opportunities present themselves. Example: Donald Trump

The Trader

A trader is someone who naturally hunts out bargains, naturally loves haggling and gets immense satisfaction from a great deal. They are equally as good at finding high price buyers. Example: George Soros

The Accumulator

Incremental growth is the key to this wealth dynamics profile. They are patient and disciplined and will stick fast to a successful system. Example: Warren Buffet

The Lord

The Lord likes to control everything. You can find a lord where there are fixed assets generating cash. They don't want attention like the stars and like to create wealth quietly. Example: Ingavar Kamprad


These carefully thought out profiles are the result of years of studying the approaches of hundreds of successful wealth creators combined with Chinese philosophy.

Knowing which of these wealth profiles is yours, is like having the keys to the vault of the Bank Of England.

20,000 entrepreneurs have already found their true profile and are discovering, with amazing clarity the direction towards true wealth for them.

Why don't you join them?


Check Roger Hamiltons explenation HERE!

Take your own Wealth Dynamic Profiling Test HERE today!

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abercrombie deutschland
Sunday, September 9, 2012 4:58 AM
Um nicht in das mehr als oft nicht zu verstehen sein, bin ich geneigt, wie Beiträge zu diesem Thema schrittweise zusätzliche betrachten, Sie schreiben es in der Mode weiterhin Ihre persönlichen Mittel, wir müssen wirklich dont sagen ist wirklich ein schönes veröffentlichen jener zu erinnern.

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This page is Created and Serviced by Olle Persson; - www.ollepersson.com - to assist people with desire to achieve more both on line and in life in general. We are a group of “Business Coaches” with extended experience in marketing, web development and effective web presence.

Success in life is a matter of BALANCE, Your Health and Energy, Your Family Life and Relationships, Your Career and Finance as well as your Spirituality, Peace and Harmony. With the 4 in place, you have TRUE WEALTH – with one missing we won’t call it “wealth”

Check out the following links to our partners sister companies, and contact us using the below details.

Connie Hansen Health.
Mepstar Wealth and Development.
Your “Profile” and Your “Flow”.

Gold Coast WebWiz, Web Site Development.

Olle Persson and the Persson Hansen Family
Gold Coast Australia – Abundant Wealth - Four Pillar Balance
Snail Mail: P.O.Box 88 Mudgeeraba QLD 4213 Australia.
Phone: +617 5630 1276 Fax: +6175530 4579
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