Hi Achievers !!!
It's been nearly 10 long months but this will be worth the wait!
Here's your early notification before anyone else...
Since you're interested in attaining financial freedom sooner – I’m excited to let you know that four *BRAND NEW* 2011 Think And Grow Rich ® Cashflow Conferences have just been released this morning. I've also got a BIG announcement that I'll tell you about in a second...
So, this is your ‘official’ email giving you the green light to grab your two exclusive tickets to this, Australia’s ultimate wealth creation event valued at $497 each, for free… while seats last!
If you remember, this event was first launched in 2009 after three years in the making, and quickly became what many industry figures acknowledge as Australia’s premier wealth creation event. And since 2009, literally every Cashflow event has booked out, well in advance - you couldn’t get in even if you wanted too!
I released 9 separate events in 2009, and every one of them booked out in advance. I followed that up with 9 additional events in 2010, and all of those booked out in advance too! And now in 2011, (AND HERE IS MY BIG ANNOUNCEMENT) I am releasing the final 4 Cashflow events ever! Don’t miss out this time, as it is your last chance, literally.
You can read all about it and secure your free seats by clicking here:
So whilst over 6,000 Australian’s have attended an earlier version of this event, the fact remains that many more haven’t. And if you missed out, let me explain what makes this event so ground-breaking and sought after.
Unlike many events at the time, wheeling out speaker after speaker talking about the exact or similar strategy, ON THE SAME TOPIC, I decided it was time to offer people more education and more choice. You see, I teach that there are not one, but in fact, four streams to wealth; Property, Business, Internet and Shares.
And my experience is that whilst wealthy people excel in one or two of these, the fact is that many of them use all four to create their wealth. Look, this is not something I invented, but something I noticed while working for many years as a personal trainer with my wealthy clients.
For example, one client Warwick (yes, his r eal name), was a successful real estate agent. But I was surprised to learn Warwick made even more money each year from his property investments and property activities than in his business. Then I was completely blown away when he showed me, he made more money in the share market each year than the other two combined!
And by modeling wealthy people like Warwick, I decided to create a ground-breaking event that showcased not just the four streams used by the wealthy, but the VERY BEST strategies within these streams. That way, if you weren’t sure about which was your best strategy to move forward, by seeing the best selections available in this country at any given moment, you could compare them and decide which was best for you and your situation.
Rest assured, these strategies work equally for people that just want to create an additional stream of income or two, while maintaining their current job or work situation. They also work for business owners looking to improve their business, become more internet savvy or perhaps find a better, more leveraged way to bring home the bacon.
Finally, they work for the vast majority of people who attend that want a proven vehicle to attain total financial freedom, to be their own boss, and live life on their own terms. And they’ll work for you too.
So, for the final time, and for all those that missed out in the past, I'm happy to report I’ve decided to make it even better...
Announcing the Final Four Think and Grow Rich ® Cashflow Events ever:
* Adelaide: 30th - 31st July 2011
* Brisbane: 13th - 14th August 2011
* Melbourne: 27th – 28th August 2011
* Sydney: 10th – 11th September 2011
Simply click here to book: http://www.TGRCashflow.com.au/47409
Pulling together the ultimate line up of experts and strategies in this country has not been an easy or an inexpensive task. Over the past few years my team and I have worked tirelessly to create the event you've been waiting for (where all you have to do is start profiting from it). However, I think you'll agree it was well worth the effort once you attend...
The heart of the Cashflow Conference is the single best strategies available today in the four streams of wealth; Property, Business, Internet and Shares. And the truth is, no other event or promoter in this country can pull together this caliber of experts in the same place at the same time.
Even better - you get them on a silver platter ready and raring to go, to teach you their step-by-step strategies ready to start making you money.
Once again, we are strictly limited. There’s just four final events, no more can be put on. The re’s less than 300 seats remaining in each city. (Some have already been pre-booked).
And being the final four Cashflow events ever, - I have a hunch these will book out even faster than the previous ones. (Once again!)
See you there!
All the best,
Stuart Zadel
Publisher and Director
Think and Grow Rich
PO Box 1232
Sutherland NSW 1499
1800 899 058
P.S. Congratulations if you are already booked, your seat is secure. If not, don’t wait, all indications are that this will, once again, book out fast.
Simply click here to book: http://www.TGRCashflow.com.au/47409