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Common Sense Blog

The Tyler Tolman's Fasting, and our story;

Don Tolman and Tyler Tolman's Pulse food, 14 days to a new you

Good Tuesday morning to all my readers, and Facebook friends.

We, that is Connie and myself, or on a mission to clean out all the yucky remains of Christmas from our bodies. Actually we have probably a lot of crap that accumulated throughout 2011.


Firstly the theory that we put into practice for a few years now;

It says in the Bible that you supposed to toil for six days and rest for one day every week. This one day is suggested being Sunday, however after contemplating how we allow the body to rest on Sunday I felt sorry for my temple. (Ancient identification of the body.)

Quite often starting with a hangover, be it a normal alcohol hangover, or the food hangover from overindulgence, either way forcing the body to work overtime to recover from over immoderation and abuse on Saturday night.

We proceed with the big greasy breakfast, some sweets, or God forbid; flushing down the hangover with a few Coca-Cola or other toxic sugar drinks. And off course as soon as the clock strikes “Beer a Clock” we pop open, and down, the first coldie.

From thereon the abuse is an avalanche; Sunday roast or after noon BBQ with all the trimmings including alcohol, and some deserts, and some other sweets, and some more alcohol - and off course a continuous flow of chips and dip.

What a resting day for the body!!!

The poor thing has to work overtime 24 hours, and possibly through onto Wednesday to recover from the abuse.

Our solution, or maybe way of making amends;

We decided to help the body get the cleaning done ‘first thing’ Monday morning, consequently our Monday diet is raw fresh juice only, namely Don Tolman’s recipe of CABALA juice. We are out of bed at 5:30, Connie chopping up carrots, apples, beetroot and a lemon and it's my job to run them through the juicing machine.

So there you have our Monday cleansing (weekend indulgence amends) menu, possibly adding a vegetable smoothie as an afternoon / evening meal.

CABALA juice a recipe;
1 Kg Carrots.
1 Red Apple, 1 Green Apple and 1 Yellow Apple.
1 Beetroot.
1 Lemon, with rind and all.

Our long-term raw food cleansing;

From 16 January we are on a mission to do a Good Christmas cleaning on the inside of the body, a minimum 30 day process -but possibly a bit longer.

This program is cleansing, not a weight-loss. However, commencing the process I decided to reset my mental ideal weight to 80 kg rather than the last years 85 kg. Let's see how that goes.

The program we designed is to exclude all meat, in any form, keeping sugar intake at a minimum which of cause excluded the intake of alcohol as well.

In short; no meat, no sugar and no alcohol.

In addition, starting on Thursday, we will do the Don and Tyler Tolman “Pulse Program” – “14 days to a new You”. Starting with a four day fibrous drink colon cleanse, followed by 10 days of an ancient healthy fruit mix called “Pulse”.  (Daniel 1:8-14) You can purchase your “Pulse” HERE.

We have now, up until Wednesday, had a slow cleansing diet of 80% raw and 20% cooked vegetables during 10 days. It has been said, among others, by Monica Colmsjo Author of “Sweet Dreams”, that too much and too sudden cleansing and weight loss can release stored toxins in the body.

In my layman terms I understand and describe this in the following simple ways;

We are munching away all year long, or probably several years, on our Double MacBurger or Cheese Burgers flushing it down with some toxic and addictive sugar drink. With all the toxins, excessive fat, ammonia, anti foaming agents, preservatives, sugar and artificial taste chemicals it is simply too much for the body to process.

Add to that that the crap is processed over and over for convenient handling, transport and longer shelf life, and you have something totally unrecognizable for your body's digestive systems.

“So what to do?” -  Says the ‘foreman’ in your guts.

He, your digestive system, therefore proceeds to stack your Big Mac’s as spare tires around your waist, while the coke sugar would be used to clog up your liver and other organs with fat. So there you are walking around like a rottening food factory with all these food leftovers in decay.

A day of enlightening;

Suddenly a new personality awakens, or at least a fellow you haven't been aware of for decades, and he yells to you; “You are at fat lacy bludger, you need to lose weight and you need to clean out the garbage tip of a body that you're carrying around”.

And this new “Mr. Good Guy” proceeds to put you on a 30 day water fasting and cleansing procedure, totally shocking your “foreman in your guts” in an opposite direction.

Suddenly we have no fatty food coming at all, “Help, we are going to starve to death”, what to do now?

So they proceed to release all your old Big Mac’s from fat storage into the bloodstream, clogging up the veins, and releasing all the plaque you so carefully built up in your arteries, and let it float in lumps to the heart and the brains.

And if the subsequent strokes and heart attacks don't kill you, then you have all the stored fast food chemicals giving your body an overdose and a total toxic shock.

The logic conclusion; “Health, detox and weight loss are dangerous, we better stick to our Big Mac’s, Coke and TV coach.

So there you have it, the reasoning behind Connie's and my own plans and strategies; (not that I can remember when I last visited a McDonald's factory outlet.) we do it nice, slowly and enjoyable. Eating our greens, slowly cleansing the body, and now on day 11 to 14 we do a more serious cleanout of our ‘temples’.

So whish us luck and success – and stay tuned for the next progress report.



PS, Meet Tyler Tolman on his next Australia tour;


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Wednesday, January 9, 2013 5:17 AM

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