host posted on May 12, 2010 02:11

Foreword by Olle Persson in Connie’s book;
Keep the FLOW – Everything is flow.
Healthy living basics; Kiss – Keep It Simple Stupid!
Keep an open mind, open for new ideas, a mind open like a parachute.
Some people are so narrow-minded they can look through a keyhole with both eyes at the same time, that is not a mindset for change and healing.
Realize that if you are 50 years, 100 years or maybe even 150 years old, you can still have been deceived and lied to - all through your life. What we have learnt over the years, what we have had programmed into our brains is exactly what we see in our lives today. Consequently it stands to reason that we cannot change our situation, be it healing from a disease, changing our financial situation or relationships - without changing our mindset, a willingness to relearn.
Albert Einstein Quotes on Problem Solving
• "You can never solve a problem on the level on which it was created."
• "To raise new questions, new possibilities, to regard old problems from a new angle, requires creative imagination and marks real advance in science."
• "There is no logical way to the discovery of these elemental laws. There is only the way of intuition, which is helped by a feeling for the “Order” lying behind the appearance."
So read on here with a very open mind we are going to introduce you to some very simple but sometimes controversial ideas. And we most certainly are going to challenge your current beliefs and programming.
Our health have been made very complicated for one simple reason; GREED!!
One cannot charge $1 trillion for solving a simple problem with the simple solution.
(The sickness industry has charged us many trillions to solve such a simple riddle as a cancer phenomenon.)
In this book we apply the KISS principle;
Keep It Simple Stupid!
So here is the entire medical science in one simple paragraph;
Our bodies are a set of tubes, and the flow through these tubes are like a river. Feed the river with healthy water in one end, make sure there is no obstacles and a good healthy flow, and let's the water disappear out of the river in the other end.
This is it folks - anything else you heard are artificial complications for the sake of complicating things.
From these we have three very simple tasks ahead of us;
1. Feed the river, making sure to maintain an abundant input of fresh healthy food and water.
2. Make sure you keep your river clean, free from any obstacles that may hinder the flow.
3. Thirdly - get rid of the shit - regardless if it's coming out the back door, or it's sweating, coughing, vomiting - if it wants out - let it out.
Here's a word from the genius Don Tolman;
Our bodies are nothing more and nothing less than tubes. Organs are a collection of tubes. Tubes need to flow or more correctly to Vent (clear themselves)… to Pre-Vent disease is to keep the tubes freely flowing or clear. If you don't do this, blockage’s occur and we name this blockage “disease”. What keeps your tubes clear and Pre-Vented?
Air, water, sunshine, walking, whole foods, high-end emotions of passion, and kind creative moments in our relationships.
Vent yourself today and everyday!
Quantum physics have now made it completely clear to us; - WE ARE ONE!!!
We are all connected, we are one energy, and we are the flow of this energy. The energy flows around the entire universe, the energy flows in and out of the planet and the energy flows in and out of our illusionary existence.
If you break down your body into its smallest component, if you break down a pebble on the ground to its smallest component and if you break down of water molecule to its smallest component - you have one thing - you have energy.
It is the flow of this energy that keeps us alive, it is the flow of this energy that keeps planet Earth in existence. In addition this flow of energy transforms into different material things, and in these materials that energy maintains the flow through a set of natural laws.
The planet is flow.
It isn't the earthly flowing around the sun, and at the same time flowing around its own center axle. What would happen if we stop that flow?
A flow, or a movement if you want to reword it, either way it is through this flow that energy is generated, subsequently we are created as we are only an accumulation of energy. Not stagnant energy but continuously flowing energy.
Energy are present where you have any level of temperature and movement, lack of energy is no temperature and no movement equalling absolute DEATH!
In physics, energy (from the Greek ἐνέργεια - energeia, "activity, operation", from ἐνεργός - energos, "active, working"[1]) is a quantity that can be assigned to every particle, object, and system of objects as a consequence of the state of that particle, object or system of objects. Different forms of energy include kinetic, potential, thermal, gravitational, sound, elastic, light, and electromagnetic energy. The forms of energy are often named after a related force. German physicist Hermann von Helmholtz established that all forms of energy are equivalent - energy in one form can disappear but the same amount of energy will appear in another form.
Our thought is a flow of energy?
Is LOVE then - the energy that flow through the body and continuously renew our spirit?
Have you ever felt “uplifted” and “energised” when “feeling in love”?
Our thoughts are strong energy that can travel long distances, they are also creative energy, we think we believe and we manifest in our physical reality,
Nevertheless it is just a flow.
Rivers and other waters.
The fastest and easiest area of study the fatal result of stagnation, lack of flow, is in their water systems around the world. How many times have humans interfered with nature, stopping the flow in a river or lake just to cause death and devastation.
It is in a smaller scale, but it does happen in human bodies every second. I would like to make the bold statement that cancer and cardiovascular conditions isn't the big killers - they are barely the symptoms.
The big killer these days - second to none - are our own habits and the sickness industries approach, and the devastating obstructions on our own river and flow - commonly called the body.
Air flows with temperature and wind.
In the nature the over all flow of energy causes temperature changes, wind movements and thus a continuous flow and energizing of our air. Air need to flow and need to be energized in order to serve living in bodies well.
Another obvious fact that the humans often ignore when creating at the shelters, over and over in ignoring their requirements of flow in all the elements on the planet. We get continuously reminded when people get sick and die in a modern buildings, when it is as simple as obscured flow and subsequent accumulation of toxins.
Here in Australia we see it on the coral reef.
Again our miraculously intelligent universe are looking after the flow into our oceans, high and low tide, and temperature variations. All in a minute perfection with one purpose - keeping the flow.
Looking at the Great Barrier Reef along Australia's north east coast, the Oceanside and other exposed areas have lively and colourful corals. While sheltered and hidden away bays soon see the corals fade away and die.
Our body is a river.
So please wake up to the obvious - our bodies are totally constructed from tubes, and are a good miniature copy of the planet itself. And as the planet has one vital requirements for survival, keeping the flow in all areas - be it air, water or food / minerals and nutrition's or after conversion blood or plasma.
Ageing is stagnation.
The suicidal age 60 years plus.
We are programmed, indoctrinated and conditioned to start aging, - that is to start dieing at this preset age. And how do we complying?
It's simple - just shut down the flow.
Closing the doors and windows, so the little breathing we do is poor and unhealthy air. Be careful not to raise your pulse - you might get a heart attack - instead don't have any oxygen flow in the body and dying slowly.
As we don't use any energy we don't require any, consequently we are shutting down the major tube system in the body - the so-called digestive system.
Finally we increase the dehydration stage we have made ourselves used to over the years, sitting still in temperature controlled cubicles numbs our body and we get no alerts regardless of the severeness is of the increasing dehydration
Foreword by Olle Persson in Connie’s book;