host posted on May 28, 2012 09:14

Some blog comment on the “TAPPING WORLD SUMMIT 2012”
So, I committed to do a blog entry.
As I mentioned, and also posted a few links in Facebook, I recently followed a great program over 10 days.
The amazing; “TAPPING world summit 2012”
The tapping world summit is now an annual event, staged by Mr. Nick Ortner and hosted by his sister Jessica Ortner. It is an online webinar featuring two different presenters per day, and run over 10 consecutive days. But each days presentations are run, or kept alive and available for reruns, for the full 24 hours of the day. Which of course is an excellent solution for world wide webinar, automatically covering all time zones in the world and making listening easy and convenient.
Congratulations and a great THANK YOU to Nick and Jessica.
To describe tapping in my own words, I would call it – hmmmm ??? Something between affirmations and meditation. - That looks clear as mud.
It is affirmations in that we often state what we want to achieve, however it is a lot deeper than just affirmations. We start at tapping session with a set up statement, the set up statement actually states and the negative, the old programming, the internal beliefs that are blocking our achievements.
Therefore tapping is a cell and memory cleansing process, the process put our attention to, and thus releases, our old misconceptions and beliefs. And, make no mistakes, whether you believe it or not, it is your beliefs, deeply rooted subconscious beliefs, that allows, or hindering your success - in what ever you attempt to achieve.
Tapping is also an “energy healing process”. As we are all energy, everything is energy, and everything is the same, maybe this is news for you - but energy is all there is. Break it down any molecule and atom - and all you find is empty space and energy. (Just study what happens when they “open” atoms in a nuclear-plant”)
As you are just energy, an electromagnetic cloud I used to call it, physical contact put your energy into a different vibration. Therefore you have your spoken affirmation, your voice which is just vibrating energy, in combination with tapping which is physical vibration transmitted throughout the body.
As you can see, the tapping might just be an additional sense, aside from seeing, hearing, smell, taste and feeling - which are all energy transmitting anyway. So have we maybe found - or maybe learns to utilize the six senses?
Finally, TAPPING is utilizing ancient acupuncture principles, no needles are used, but the physical tapping focusing on sensitive acupuncture points on your body. Predominantly they teaching at total of eight tapping points on your head and upper body, however, any acupuncture points can be used if it's proved to be effective for a specific issue.

I will, for sure, come back to the subject of tapping, and elaborate further on the theory and science of tapping, as well as my own practicing of the technique and off course subsequent successes in life.
For now that just after 10 PM, I would call it today and just being in grateful and proud that I followed through on the commitments of a reawakened my blog writing.
Please re-visit this blog as I will post a row of links, to tapping information and practice online, both on individual websites - and also samples and demonstration on
For now it will have to suffice with a home of Nick and Jessica and the tapping solutions;
Enjoy, and happy successful tapping.