host posted on June 12, 2012 05:38

Published Tuesday, June 12th, 2012
by Nick Ortner
Get the movie HERE!
A few years ago, I spoke in front of a small audience at an event called, “Passion Into Profits”, that focused on – you guessed it – turning your personal passions into profitable ventures. I had just finished relaying my story about making the film, “The Tapping Solution” and what an outrageous and incredible journey that had been. I was emphasizing the point that during the process I used EFT with every new challenge that came up, every new frustration, and every new setback that normally would have left me feeling powerless and stuck.
If I hadn’t had tapping available to me through the process of making the film, there would have been countless points along the way where I might have simply stopped, given up, or gone in the wrong direction.
I also focused my talk on only worrying about “the next step”, whatever was directly in front of me and needed to be accomplished next in order to move the project forward. When I came up with the idea of making the movie, my first question was, “Who can I get to join and support me in this vision?” Once that was answered, the next question was, “What kind of equipment do we need to film a movie?” and I took the necessary actions to answer this question, and continued to move the project forward.
I guess I wasn’t clear enough on the importance of this, because sure enough, the first question from the audience completely ignored the Next Step philosophy!
A lady came to the mike and said, “I see that you’ve been able to create a physical DVD and I want to do the same thing with a physical CD, can you tell me how you were able to get that created? Because I’ve never made a CD before and I don’t know how to get it created, what vendors to use, etc.”
I replied, “Sure, I’m happy to help. So you have all the content ready for the CD and now you just need someone to create it?”
“No, I’m working on the script for the CD now…I haven’t finished that yet, but I’m worried about how to actually get the CD made.”
Can you guess what my reply was? That’s not the next step! The next step is to work on the script, the next step is to record the CD, the next step is to do the artwork for the CD, not the step she was jumping to.
She felt stuck because she had moved too far down the line in her vision and was focused on something that was simply not important at the time. I see this happen again and again with any goal, vision or dream. It’s important to see the end goal, the grand theme, the big vision, but once you see that clearly, then you just have to take the next step in front of you.
What’s amazing about using EFT with this strategy is that it works perfectly on addressing just that: The next step, the next obstacle, what’s in front of you right now!
You can begin with tapping phrases like…
Even though I’m overwhelmed by all the things I have to do with this project…
Even though I’m not sure what to do next…
Even though I don’t feel confident that I can figure out how to get this done…
Even though I’m out of my league and don’t know what I’m doing…
The lady who asked me that question could have even tapped on, “Even though I don’t know how to make the CD and I’m overwhelmed…” and once she did that, she herself would have recognized that everything was OK and she just needed to focus on the next step.
Tapping diminishes the “noise” that surrounds us and increases the mental, emotional and even physical responses we produce when faced with life challenges. Goals, visions and dreams these days tend to be complicated by the speed of modern life, the speed of email communications, the constant interruptions, so the overwhelm can be too much and can paralyze you. Use this important and simple tool to quiet that noise, move yourself to a place of peace, and from there you’ll have the resources to make the best decisions and take the next step.
What’s in your way right now? Have you used tapping to overcome overwhelm or procrastination?