host posted on September 09, 2012 07:02

Posted by Jess at the re-posted here as it is such an important message from Dr Schreeuwer.
We need more doctors to have the courage to tell the truth rather than hiding in fear behind the sickness industry propaganda.

Guest post by Dr Greg Schreeuwer.
It is so important for people who have, are currently experiencing or have a fear of going through cancer, to truly understand the mechanism that goes on inside the body and the real reasons why the body creates this. As the title suggests, cancer is certainly not a disease but instead a survival and protective mechanism that the body engages when it is highly threatened.
There are two ways in which cells are able to survive in the human body. The usual way cells survive is through the use or uptake of oxygen and these cells are called aerobic. They are classified as normal, higher functioning cells.
When there is a depletion of oxygen in surrounding tissue, the cells that are deprived of oxygen still need to survive. All cells in the human body are programmed for survival. Cells that aren’t able to survive through the uptake of oxygen, begin to mutate and feed off toxicity or waste material in the surrounding tissue. This could be as a result of cell debris or any other form of waste or toxicity in the area. The functioning of those cells is diminished and they become quite primitive in their actions, very similar to the way stem cells work. These cells are termed anaerobic. They are also referred to as cancer cells. Every human being on the planet has these. Some more than others. It all depends on how much waste is circulating through the body.
The more waste and toxins that accumulate in the body, the higher the incidence of cancerous and mutated cells. There is a very interesting explanation for this. In order for the human body to function optimally, the internal environment needs to be relatively alkaline. When too much waste builds up inside the body in various areas, the body can start to become acidic. This is the reason why most natural alternatives to treating cancers involve high alkaline diets to detoxify and bring more oxygen to cancer sites. The more acidic the body becomes, the greater the mutations. These cell mutations, or cancer cells, can be referred to as the ‘internal house keeping’ system of the body.
Take for example an apartment that has carpet everywhere. Naturally, carpets attract large amounts of dust and other bits and pieces. In order to keep that apartment clean, constant house keeping is a necessity. If the apartment were to be left for weeks or months without cleaning, it would become a significant health hazard and require a large amount of work to get it back in order. This is exactly what happens with regards to cancer. The internal environment becomes incredibly messy and the cancer cells are there to mop up and clean up all the mess and eliminate it. As with the apartment metaphor, if the mess exceeds the number of people or hands to manage that mess, it increasingly gets worse and very difficult to manage. In the body, this happens as well and eventually results in tumor formation or metastases.
The blessing of having cancer cells inside the body working against all that mess and waste, is to protect the body from a far worse fate, which most people are unaware of. It’s called acidosis. It is a life threatening state and if left unattended, it will result in a fatality within a few hours to a few days. Those cancer cells that we are all trying so desperately to eliminate with chemotherapy, surgery and radiation, are designed by the body to protect the body from an acidotic state, from certain death. They are provided by you, for you, to give you enough time to gather the resources required to clean up the mess that was unconsciously created by you. It is an incredible protective system that modern medicine is destroying due to a lack of understanding and ignorance. This leaves the body vulnerable to more challenge and does not address the underlying causes.
Author bio: Dr. Greg Schreeuwer practiced as a chiropractor in Sydney, Australia for 4.5 years. He is now non-practicing. During that time, he received training in several areas of complimentary healthcare including Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine Principles, Reiki, N.A.E.T. (Nambudripads’ Allergy Elimination Technique), N.E.T. (Neuro Emotional Technique), N.C.R. (Neurocranial Restructuring) and he has attended Dr. John F. Demartinis‘ “Breakthrough Experience Programs”. He has also has a special interest in metaphysics and quantum mechanics. He has always been fascinated by the inner workings of almost everything that exists in the universe and he has constantly striven, through his own self-development and research, to uncover these underlying mechanisms. He is a focused and dedicated person who loves helping people uncover their path. The challenges he has faced to allow him to reach this point in his life are numerous yet they have been incredible blessings, opening his mind to the possibilities and endless opportunities that exist within people and within the world. His dream and hope is to help every person on the planet reveal their divine purpose by showing people how their dis-ease is not a limitation but a lesson that could liberate, inspire and empower them.