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Welcome to the Olle Persson Blog

We will endeavor to provide you an exiting article here a couple of times per week.

All about your Life and Business Success, balancing the FOUR PILLARS of wealth.

The topics will be focused on Wealth and Financial Success, but quite regularly we slip over to health as well. Our motto is “Healthy Wealthy and Wise”, and all the Wealth in the world is worth little if you don’t have the Health to Play the game.

Therefore, maybe you want to visit our sister site; www.conniehansen.com – It’s all about Health.

Please, while you’re here, if you haven't done so already, scroll down below the Blog and Sign up for our newsletter and get the articles directly in your own mail box.

Common Sense Blog

Billions Are Spent on Healthcare & Research
So, Why Are We Getting Sicker?

Don Tolman via Connie Hansen Health. Live and Uncensored.


Have you ever wondered why billions of dollars are spent on finding cures for a host of diseases—from cancer and Multiple Sclerosis to obesity and heart disease—yet these conditions only get worse, affecting more people every year?
Have you ever questioned why our teeth fall into disrepair and disintegrate, despite the thousands of dollars spent on dental care every year?
Have you ever given thought to why general practitioners generally don’t look healthy, despite their years of Western "health care” training?
Have you ever pondered how pills that are meant to cure, actually kill thousands, from our next-door neighbours to Hollywood celebrities?
As our society becomes sicker and charitable organisations get richer, more people are beginning to ask serious questions. Why are we heading for an early grave? Why are our children following our lead? Why are we taking health advice from those who aren’t healthy themselves? Why is the human body letting us down?

Don Tolamn Via Connie Hansen and Connies Health

As 2013 approaches and one in every two people are destined to be diagnosed with cancer, it’s little wonder more people are questioning the status quo. The Western model of health care has failed, shortening the lives of those who trusted in it and its Band-Aid solutions. Now, people want answers. For themselves, their friends, their family.
After decades of publicly questioning and standing up to the deceit of the current healthcare system, one man has created a global shift in consciousness that’s changing people’s lives, showing them that cancer isn’t a death sentence, disease isn’t a given and being healthy is our natural state.
Don Tolman has travelled the world, inspiring and empowering people with his message that’s gifting people with a confidence to take their health into their own hands, while learning, in simple terms, how the body works—and why we were designed to be our own doctors, with nature our medicine.
Now, you too can learn how to take your health and wellbeing into your own hands. In just one evening you can learn how to create a stress-free life of longevity—no gimmicks, no pills. Simply empowering information that you apply to your own life, every day, with nature as your guide.



Complimentary Tickets

(Please Note: You will need the email address of each person you are registering)

If you’ve asked yourself questions such as:
• Why are my children continually suffering from allergies, colds, tonsillitis and hyperactivity?
• Why are charitable organisations and drug companies getting richer, yet no cures have been found?
• Why are skin cancer rates skyrocketing despite sunscreen developments and “sunsafe” awareness?
• Why am I sick despite countless visits to the doctor?
• Why does everyone I know seem to suffer from serious ailments such as arthritis?
You won’t want to miss internationally recognised wholefood expert and wellness warrior, Don Tolman, as he presents a series of events around Australia, designed to inform, enlighten and teach you how to get well, be well and stay well.
'Where Truth and Health Lies' will change the way you look at your health, your family’s wellbeing forever—and the current healthcare system, while finally understanding why they get it so wrong.

As a valued member of our Connies Health community this event is complimentary for you and your loved ones to attend.

Venues are filling up fast, so if you haven't yet secured your seat, please act quickly.  If you're registering more than one person you'll just need the unique email address of each person you are registering.

Book Now
In two-and-a-half hours you will learn priceless, life-changing information, including:
• How to cut through the BS and decipher what’s true and what’s not for you, your body and your family;
• Why Western treatments for dis-ease work against the body and send it into further disrepair;
• Why dis-ease isn’t a death sentence and what it’s actually telling you;
• How to apply ancient principles of self care to modern-day living;
• Why nature provides all we need for a healthy, happy, long life;
• How to really lose weight and keep it off, while not feeling restricted;
• What your allergies are really telling you;
• How to take your life back into your own hands, without having to be overwhelmed and stressed;
• Transformational information applied by the terminally ill to gain full recoveries.
In just a few hours, Don will clear the confusion and give you the keys to transformation that will allow you to finally lead the life you’ve always dreamt of.
An evening with Don Tolman is one of the most gripping, shocking and transformational events you, your family and friends could ever attend. 
If you are ill, your children are unwell or you know someone who could benefit from information that will empower them to regain their health, please forward this email. It may be the greatest gift you ever give.

We hope to see you there!
Fortune Events & Connie Hansen

Don Tolamn Via Connie Hansen and Connies Health


Post Rating


Thursday, October 4, 2012 10:15 PM
Da stili classici ma sobria che si basano su colori neutri e disegni di veramente stili occhio popping e innovativi che caratterizzano gli ultimi look per pezzi di tempo, si è sicuri di trovare proprio quello che serve per tutte le vostre occasioni importanti.
Abercrombie UK
Wednesday, November 7, 2012 10:13 PM
Classico e sobrio contare su colori neutri e disegni occhio popping e stili che sono veramente innovative e le ultime tendenze in orologi, si è sicuri di trovare quello che ti serve per tutti i vostri eventi importanti.
Abercrombie UK
Saturday, December 15, 2012 11:50 PM
Per quanto riguarda la mia approvazione va, Ho firmato 6 candidati in tutto il paese, non il 150 che hanno chiesto. Credo che per ottenere la massima americano in carica non il migliore repubblicano o democratico.

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This page is Created and Serviced by Olle Persson; - www.ollepersson.com - to assist people with desire to achieve more both on line and in life in general. We are a group of “Business Coaches” with extended experience in marketing, web development and effective web presence.

Success in life is a matter of BALANCE, Your Health and Energy, Your Family Life and Relationships, Your Career and Finance as well as your Spirituality, Peace and Harmony. With the 4 in place, you have TRUE WEALTH – with one missing we won’t call it “wealth”

Check out the following links to our partners sister companies, and contact us using the below details.

Connie Hansen Health.
Mepstar Wealth and Development.
Your “Profile” and Your “Flow”.

Gold Coast WebWiz, Web Site Development.

Olle Persson and the Persson Hansen Family
Gold Coast Australia – Abundant Wealth - Four Pillar Balance
Snail Mail: P.O.Box 88 Mudgeeraba QLD 4213 Australia.
Phone: +617 5630 1276 Fax: +6175530 4579
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E-mail: olle(a)ollepersson.com  | admin(a)goldcoastwebwiz.com.com 


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