host posted on June 19, 2013 08:09

The programming of the “most intelligent” creature on the planet?
My own little theory Part ONE;
Cold doesn’t exist.
Darkness doesn’t exist.
And hate doesn’t exist………
As I Stated a few times in my blogs; everything is energy and energy is all there is;
My thought of the day that I just posted on Facebook;
Thought of the Day:
There is scarcely anything in the world that some man cannot make a little worse, and sell a little more cheaply. The person who buys on price alone is this man's lawful prey. -- John Ruskin
And it is true Mr Ruskin, we can destroy anything, and we should do it to get the upper hand on the competition, and for that extra dollar in the bottom line.
We care very little, if any, about what we destroying, or what’s the purpose of old product may be.
I,e; as so called food product, that we water down and fill it with cheap and a dangerous chemicals.
But I am gonna stopped myself here, this wasn’t meant to be another input about the food industry scams.
I would like to see, if there are people out there, that actually can look a little bit outside the box? After all, we are all just programmed robots, walking around in a form of hypnotised trance.
So, at the moment we are in the terrible Queensland winter, and not the day go past without hearing about a terrible freezing conditions.
And the Queensland temperatures, on any sunny winter day reaches up somewhere in the low 20° plus. A cloudy and a bit windy day may keep the temperature just below 20°.
Night times however, we can see temperature plummeting to below 10° plus, and it is actually common with inland frost in the morning - Sunrise hours.
So, even if this seems like quite comfortable temperatures, quite comparable to many Swedish summers I have experienced, we are programmed to complaining about the cold - and to physically freezing in this harsh climate.
So here are some theories to challenge your programmed hypnotic state;
Cold doesn’t exist, it can’t be measured, it can’t be found - and there is no physical condition called cold. – “Cold” is a human experience - and therefore an illusion.
Everything is energy, and energy is movement, vibrations, and temperature is simply measured by how fast molecules, and sub at atomic particles moving.
Take a piece of ice, hold it in your hand and as a human being your Experiencing some chilling effects in your hand. But consider that the peace you have in your hand actually holds the temperature of + 273.15°K yes that’s right; plus 273.15° on the Kelvin scale, or + - 0.00° on the Celsius scale.
And here’s an interesting statement;
A system at absolute zero still possesses quantum mechanical zero-point energy, the energy of its ground state. The kinetic energy of the ground state cannot be removed. However, in the classical interpretation, it is zero and the thermal energy of matter vanishes.
And if there is energy - energy is heat - and therefore “cold” doesn’t exist.
Looking at the phenomenon of hibernating animals slowing down their metabolism, and thus slowly lowering body temperature. Our food is our main source of energy – heat - and we therefore lower our body temperature, feel cold, if we don’t eat.
As I do various forms of fasting, I quickly noticed the drop in body temperature during my fasting periods.
On the other side of the scale, we have small birds living in sub zero temperatures. These birds have to eat all day, and over 80% of the food intake are supposedly used for maintaining body temperature - lack of food for these birds doesn’t mean they starve to death - the freeze to death.
To Life Without Limits,
-Olle Persson Ph; 07 5630 1276
Blogging for Cash Flow; Check it here, it’s cool.
Email; olle(a)