host posted on June 26, 2013 03:11

A short health blog, a video review.
Another video, and another set of facts, about all the fraud and deceit that is going on.
Please check out further work and research, possibly books by Dr Christi J.Meyer, and her credibility as if you like. I haven’t done so myself, and do not verify anything, but nothing’s surprises me any longer when it comes from - or in relation to - the sickness industry.
Again the motto that is all relevant;
Self education - Self help and thereby Self healing.
Please don’t forget to research all the drugs your doctors are administrating to yourself and your loved ones, it is so simple these days - just do an Internet search drugs comercial name - and then on the active ingredients.
You may think what you want about controversial news, but with the number of lies and scams that is disclosed and proven - it is simply too dangerous to just stick our heads in the sand and pretend that nothing is going on.
Wake up people.
Any so-called disease can be healed, or reversed (I don’t dare to call it cured because there are long jail term penalties for curing disease these days.) and they are all healed, reverse or removed from the body from within the body itself.
All we need to do, is to give our body a chance. That is, cleaning up, flushing out - and providing nutritional life supporting food. And of course refraining from the daily dose of various toxins.
We here at Connie’s health has no problem assisting in such removal of disease, but we do have serious problem to awaken people to the fact that they need to look after themselves.
So please do your homework;
Check out what’s available online regarding your so-called disease.
Check out the medication recommended, or forced onto you.
And make it a habit to check a bit of of all the valuable information available on YouTube these days.
Love and blessings - and all the best for your health.
To Life Without Limits - and dis-ease.
-Connie Hansen Ph; 07 5630 1276
Blogging for Cash Flow; Check it here, it’s cool.
Email; olle(a)