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Common Sense Blog

The way we play on the Internet????

In Conclusion; (Of this Aweber affair.)

This “Spam thing” or should I say “Spam Hysteria” is
a laugh - although a SAD and ironic affair. Not only
are we regularly convicted of spamming without trial
or even a chance to say anything. The hysteria has

Many Years ago I bought a $50.00 Pre-Paid Optus
internet account for use during some travel. The
first mailing happen to be a mail to 50-+ different
Email addresses, can’t even remember the mail, but it was to established addresses in my lists / databases.

I soon had problem logging on to this temporary account and contacted Optus, I was told that more
than 50 mails was regarded as spam and my account was
closed - including the confiscation of the pre-paid

Sadly I see the same pattern in other areas of “Law
enforcement” these days. But to refrain deviating too
much, I stick to an Internet crime example only.
We have all heard about “Phishing” “Identity theft”
and “Banking Spams”.

Login details to bank accounts are stolen, a person
in the country are “coned into a fake job position”
“Mule” where he is to receive money and transfer to
an overseas account. Once the chain is setup the
money is transferred into the “mules” account,
withdrawn and transferred overseas.

The authorities here have no capacity or means of
finding and prosecuting the criminals, so at least in
Australia it have become common practice of haunting
and prosecution the victims - the mules. (We laugh
and ridicual stupid witch hunts in the 17th - 18th
century - but has anything changed?)

Are we creating a playground for criminals on the

Haunting and convicting anyone that play an honest
and open game?
Putting up so many un-surmountable obstacles that
small legal businesses are made impossible.

In the case of;

Anyone can investigate this website, and the open and
voluntary registration forms, it is a two stage
opt-in, and the subscriber need to confirm his
subcription before accepted into the lists.

Anyone can see this, and Aweber are well aware of the
fact that this is a absolutely legitimate business.
Yet Aweber claim to be concerned about being accused
and convicted for spamming?

Isn’t this enough to scare the hell out of us all?
We are playing a completely legitimate game, but
still need to be afraid of criminal conviction?

For myself I’m convicted;
Hours and weeks - thousands of dollars - wasted.
Invested $500.00 in useless software. (At no fault on
the producer of the software.)
And Aweber suspends my accounts and confiscate paid
up fees.

Is this really “fear of spam claims” on Awebers part,
or does the “freedom of the Internet scare us? Making
some of us growing the “father feeling” the
“authority mentallity” and the need for policing this

It most certainly is a crime in my book to hindering
the conduct of fully legal and honest
entrepreneurship. I crime we have been fighting in
comunist countries for hundreds of years.

Thanks for reading…



Full story;
http://www.dnncreative.com/Forum/tabid/88/forumid/13/postid/26062/view/topic/Default.aspxPS. Feel free to comment, forward to other forums,
PS. Feel free to comment, forward to other forums,  and try to raise a debate on the subject.

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Success in life is a matter of BALANCE, Your Health and Energy, Your Family Life and Relationships, Your Career and Finance as well as your Spirituality, Peace and Harmony. With the 4 in place, you have TRUE WEALTH – with one missing we won’t call it “wealth”

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