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Common Sense Blog


Be prepared for this humongous battle of the 21st century.

The two giants, the superpowers of the last century are reappearing going head to head in battle. No it’s not the USA versus the old Soviet Union - it is Batman versus Superman

DC Comics Superman, created by his two fathers Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster in 1933, so at the ripe old age of 83 he have yet another debut on the big screens around the world.

With the DC comics enormous success with the superhero, the blue costume and the red cape icon, they were big parts in creating the new movie Genre “Superheros”.

Batman, an equally mature man from the last century, only six years younger than Superman, Batman was directly created by Detective comics (DC Comics) in 1939. Quite a few people were involved in the creation of this Superhero, but commonly the credit goes to Bob Kane and Bill Finger as originators.

Although neither of these superheroes has ever dropped out of the public awareness, they are now set for a huge comeback in March 2016.

The movie; Batman versus Superman; “Dawn of Justice (2016)
Directed by Zack Snyder.

A screenplay written, among other credits, by Chris Terrio and David S Goyer.

The cast features, as the key figures, the following;
Henry Cavill (Superman)
Ben Affleck (Batman)
Gal Gadot (Diana Prince / Wonder Woman)
Amy Adams (Lois Lane)
Jesse Eisenberg (Lex Luthor)
Jason Momoa (Aquaman)

A head on battle between these two 20th-century superhero’s set to create shockwaves around the globe, making our recent tsunami waves looking like wavelets in a dry martini. Batman is travelling to Metropolis to take on his arch-enemy Superman, and the battle is on with no hold back on modern powerful cinematographic effects in this $130 Million production.

The confrontation of the two giants is powerful in its own right, but in its trace new threats arrises for the battlers and mankind at large. Far greater dangers then what anyone could imagine, or previously seen on the endangered planet – Earth.

Let’s admit it, we are all great fans of these old superheroes, personally I was a subscriber to the Superman comic books - and also remembering using Superman as a model for my first artworks in primary school

I recently noticed Superman having a small role in huge movie;  Will Smith’s “pursuit of happiness” (2006). Appearing as Christopher’s favourite doll, and being lost on the streets in their desperate “pursuit of happiness”.

Back to Batman versus Superman, this is the second film in the series of films named “DC comics shared universe films”, the first one being “Man of Steel (2013). And apparently more to come, so please put this in your diary for an exciting movie night early in the coming year.

For further information joined DC comics and the team online;

See more on their Facebook site; “batmanvsuperman”

The official website;


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