Connie’s Holistic Health is True Health.
This is Health by taking care of Mind and Body!
Visit Connie's Home Page HERE
Please take this current member special "The Journey" offering; Purchase Brandon Bays book "The Journey", and receive a free journey process session.* "Click Here"
Connie’s healthy living
This is life and death My Friends!
So be glad you popped in here at Connie's Health!
Who do YOU think are going to look after YOUR HEALTH?
Are you going to stick the head in the sand and trust your life with your “practicing” (because they never learn?) Doctor?
Here you have some simple common sense, from Don Tolman and my other partners here.
I'm Connie Hansen - and no, I’m not licensed! I’m my own boss and able to tell the TRUTH!
Service Guarantee;
I have NO authority Accreditation or Licensing, I’m finding the root of your problem, I guarantee Service, and am telling the Truth
Let’s face it people;
In the 70’s we had “street peddlers” of the drugs, today they’re in flashy offices and are “legalised”.
Never the less it is a Drug Peddling Industry, whether it is your baby’s vaccine, a pain-reliever from the super market – or your dozen remedies at old age.
Truth about Vaccines
" 'If you continue to allow these contaminated [polio] vaccines to go out, I guarantee you that over the next 20 years you will have epidemics of cancer unlike the world has ever seen'. Bernice Eddy's testimony to ...the U.S. Congress in 1972."
Here to Guide you.
To help you on the path towards Healthy Living.
To show you how to maintain Health, and to recover Health in areas it maybe not so strong at the moment.
Assisting you and Supporting your Healthy Living.
It happens every day;
Diagnosed with a tumor the size of a basketball, B randon Bays (Author of The Journey") was catapulted on a remarkable, soul-searching and ultimately freeing healing journey.............. Read the story Here!
If it is our brain (or mind, higher intelligence etc) that creates our entire physical environment – including the body we live in with it’s aces and pains. Doesn’t it then make sense so start a health program in the area of the mind?
Dr Candace Pert gives an excellent illustration here, referring to a book about over 1,000 “Miraculous” Healings.
(I will elaborate further on the subject in the next week or so.)
For now we just want to alert you to some exciting announcement, some new releases here on the website;
F irstly Mr. Sandy McGregor’s excellent seminar on meditation, it is three hours of detailed information and practicing active meditation. Sandy will take you through several meditation sessions, but also giving some scientific background and illustrate the brain wave frequencies and how easely we can move through the different brain frequecy stages;
Just click on this link, and get your own copy of these the seminar recorded up on a two DVD package.
You would also find a lot of individual meditation sessions under different subjects, or grab the entire collection of targeted meditation. Click here.

Contact Connie now &l dquo;HERE” to discuss your personal situation, either Connie or an expert among her team will be able to help.
Alternatively join Connie’s Health Club “HERE”, and start implementing her simple steps that will minimize the risk that you ever be diagnosed with sever health problems.

Below you will find a list of 10 core products in the program, all critical components in an over all healthy body. The, by far, most important ingredient is of cause KNOWLEDGE, start educate yourself today – it isn’t one way – IT IS THE ONLY WAY.
Self Education
Self Help
Self Healing
Please check the growing Shopping Site HERE, Read a few of the books, and make sure you have your daily Meditation Session every day.